Pray for

Peace Walks

Walking together for peace, unity, and hope in a world that needs healing.

No God - No Peace ----- Know God - Know Peace


Pray-For-Peace Cards

More than 100,000 Pray-For-Peace Cards have been handed out.


Pray-For-Peace Walks

The walks covered more than 5000 miles. Hundreds have participated and thousands have prayed



TV News Segments and interviews (more than a dozen) with over 6 million viewers

Upcoming Events

NY Yankees vs LA Dodgers

(Yankee Stadium)

TBD (June 8 at 7:10 or June 9 at 7:10)

If we get another person

to say one more prayer

It is a miracle!

NY Mets vs NY Yankees (Citi Field)

TBD (June 25 at 7:10 or June 26 at 7:10)

God grants us peace in our world.

God grants us peace in our own hearts.

NY Mets vs NY Yankees (Citi Field)

TBD (June 25 at 7:01 or June 26 at 7:10)

God grants us peace in our world.

God grants us peace in our own hearts.

NY Yankees vs Boston Red Sox (Yankee Stadium)

July 5 at 7:05

Pray for peace. Pray for all of those who died to violence.

150 Million Humans died from war since 1900.

Pray-For-Peace Mission

When we all Pray-For-Peace, there will be PEACE.

Peace in ourselves and our families

Peace in our neighborhoods and cities

Peace in our country and our world

Prior Walks

A Luxury Everyone Can Afford

A police car costs $50,000+, Praying for Peace costs $0.00. Which works best?

Frequently Ask Questions

What is the mission of Pray for Peace Walks?

Pray for Peace Walks aims to inspire unity, healing, and hope through peaceful walks, bringing communities together to pray for peace in our hearts, homes, and the world.

Who can participate in the walks?

Anyone who shares our mission of promoting peace and unity is welcome to join. We encourage individuals, families, and groups from all backgrounds to participate.

Call: 203-940-3651